Starting at Preschool

Settling in Information-  Settle-in Guide for parents


The first days

A child who is tense or unhappy will not be able to play or learn properly, so it is important for parents / carers and preschool staff to work together to help the child to feel confident and secure in the group. This takes longer for some children than others and parents should not feel worried if their child takes a while to settle. Further information can be found in our 27-Child_Induction_and_Settling_In_Policy.

What to wear:
In order to feel free to explore and experiment with all kinds of materials, including messy ones, it is best to send children dressed in clothes which are easily washable or not too new.

Closed low heeled shoes should be worn i.e. No flip-flops, crocs, sandals or backless shoes. Velcro’d shoes are the best, children find them easy to remove and put back on. 

It is good for children to practice the skills which will make them independent. Simple clothing, such as jogging bottoms/dresses/skirts which will enable them to use the toilet independently. We teach them to put on and take off their coats and in wet weather, their waterproof trousers and welly boots. It’s a great way of learning to take care of themselves. 

We provide waterproof trousers for the wet weather and have spare welly boots.

Woodentops T-shirts & Sweatshirts are available (but not compulsory) – they cost £8.00 & £12.00, please contact us if you wish to place an order.

What to bring with them:
We operate a free-flow preschool which means that the children will have access to the outside area whatever the weather. Therefore, your child will need the following:
Wellington Boots, a wooly hat and pair of gloves…… All named please.

Outdoor waterproof and warm coat, especially for Winter.

Sun Hat / Sun cream (permission to apply slip required) in warmer weather.
A change of clothes (or two !) including socks.
Underwear or Nappies.

Pack of wipes and nappy sacs.
Bag and all items need to be clearly named.

If staying for Lunch:
Please provide your child’s lunch in a named, insulated lunch bag. We have a NO NUT policy so please avoid sending your child in with nuts or nut based products as some children may have allergies. We promote healthy eating and encourage the children to bring fruit, vegetables, yoghurts etc instead of sweets. Ideas are in your child’s Chatter Books. 

We hope that your child’s time in preschool will be a very happy and productive one. If you have any queries or if we can be of any help, please contact Jackie, Karen or Sue H or any member of the staff at any time during preschool opening hours. 

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